Members enjoy clubs, exclusive offers and surprises. Plus, everyday fuel savings with Carroll Pay.
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Verify AccountGet personalized rewards for the products you love and crave. The more you visit, the more surprises you’ll receive.
Join High’s clubs to earn your favorite items, for free. Enjoy free Coffee, Pizza and Fountain Drinks, Milk and Ice Cream. Buy 5, get 1 free!
Receive members-only offers, just for being part of High’s Rewards. Plus, stay in the know with High’s updates and happenings.
Save 4¢ on every gallon, every day with Carroll Pay. Carroll Pay is an upgrade to High’s Rewards that lets you pay with your High’s Rewards card or the High’s mobile app.
Simply link your High’s Rewards account to your checking account when you enroll to enable debit transactions and start saving today.
Your security is our priority. To ensure your protection, your High’s Rewards program is managed by ZipLine, a leading private label debit processor employing state-of-the-art firewall and other comprehensive security methods in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Federal Reserve.
All personal data is encrypted in real time, and every transaction is PIN protected. ZipLine monitors and limits exposure to fraud, so you’ll never be held liable for unauthorized transactions on your High’s Rewards account.